Dr. Marius Buchmann


Research Associate at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen)

Main research fields:

  • Governance & Regulation of Smart Grids
  • Market Design for climate neutrality
  • Digitalization and Resilience

Phone: +49 421 200-4868
E-mail: mbuchmann@constructor.university



Marius Buchmann is a research associate at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen). His main research interest is on regulation and governance issues related to the digitalization of the energy transition, smart grids and the integration of renewable energies. Primary, Marius currently analyses the implications of the digitalization process in the energy sector from an institutional perspective. He is manages different national and international (focus on Asia) industry and public projectsMarius Buchmann holds a bachelor's degree in Economics and Law awarded by the University of Erfurt and a master's degree in Sustainability Economics and Management at Oldenburg University, which included aspects of energy economics and policy, sustainability management and renewable energies. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from Constructor University where he analyzed the implications of data handling in smart grids.


Since Feb. 2021 Managing Director EERA consulting GmbH – Energy Economic Research Associates, Spinoff of the Chair of Energy Economics
Since Jan. 2017 Project Group Leader at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen)
  • dena Leitstudie “Aufbruch Klimaneutralität” – Querschnittsmodul Marktdesign (2020-2021), client: dena
  • dena Netzstudie III – Marktdesign (2021), client: dena
  • dena Blockchain Machine Identity Ledger (2020-2021), client: dena
  • SINTEG Project "enera - the next big step towards a sustainable world" (2017-2020), client: BMWK
Since Feb. 2011 Research Associate at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen) Selected projects:
  • "Governance of Smart Grid - The Future Role of the DSO in Data Management", client: EWE Netz
  • "Disruptive Challenges for Incumbents in the German Energy Sector", client: CRIEPI, Tokyo.
  • “Regulatory Pathways for Smart Grid Development in China”, client: GIZ
  • “Hansa Energy Corridor – Cross Border Cooperation for Smart Grids”, client: EU
Sep. 2013 – Sep. 2016 Research Associate at Fraunhofer Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung, IFAM Project manager, Business Administration - Training and Consulting Selected projects:
  • "Development of a trainingcenter for electro mobility in China“, client: BMBF
  • "Integration of Electric Vehicles into rural distribution grids with high shares of renewable energies", client: BMVBS
Feb. 2010 – Aug. 2013 Research Associate at the Bremer Energie Institut Selected projects:
  • "The institutional framework of Smart Grids in Austria", client: BMVIT, responsibility: Project Manager
  • "Application of the DIRECTIVE 2006/32/EC 'on energy end-use efficiency and energy services' in Germany", client: BAFA, responsibility: Team Member
  • “Electro Mobility and the Housing Industry”, client: Foundation of the German Housing Industry, responsibility: Team Member
  • “Assessment of the ecological potential of electric vehicles”, client: BMVBS, responsibility: Project Manager
Sep. 2009 – Oct. 2010 Research Assistant at the University of Oldenburg Project:
  • “E2SOL: Energy2 for the City of Oldenburg”, client: City of Oldenburg/BMBF
Feb 2009 – Dec. 2009 Trainee at ecco Unternehmensberatung GmbH Selected project:
  • “Buildings, climate protection and communication” (Gebäude, Klimaschutz und Kommunikation – GEKKO), client: BMBF/University of Oldenburg


Feb. 2014 – Oct. 2016 PhD at Jacobs University Bremen

  • Topic: "Smart Grids, the Governance of Information Management and Regulation"
Oct. 2007 – Oct. 2009 Master degree in “Sustainability Economics and Management” at Oldenburg University

  • Specialisation: Energy Economics, Renewable Energies, Sustainability Management
Aug. 2006 – Feb. 2007 Scholarship for semester abroad at Hong Kong Baptist University

  • Specialisation: Business Administration
Oct. 2004 – Sep. 2007 Bachelor in Economics and Law at University of Erfurt

  • Specialisation: Economics, Contractual Law and Sociology

Teaching Experience

2021 Information Economics, BA Global Economics and Management, Jacobs University Bremen.
2020 Environment and Resource Seminar, BA Global Economics and Management, Jacobs University Bremen.
2019 Research Project, Network Economics for Supply Chain Management, MA Supply Chain Management & Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen.
2019 Environment and Resource Seminar, BA Global Economics and Management, Jacobs University Bremen.
2018 Research Project, Network Economics for Supply Chain Management, MA Supply Chain Management & Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen.
2018 Guest Lecturer: Case Studies for Data Science, M.A. Data Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen.
2017 Research Project, Innovation Economics for Supply Chain Management, MA Supply Chain Management & Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen.
2016 Research Project, Network Economics for Supply Chain Management, MA Supply Chain Management & Engineering, Jacobs University Bremen.

Main Research Fields

Energy Economics:

  • Market Design
  • Governance
  • Smart Grids
  • Renewable Energies


Peer-reviewed publications
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Kusznir, J. (2022). Regulatorische Experimente und Anreizregulierung – Erfahrungen mit der SINTEG, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft Vol 46 (3).
  • Palovic, M., Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G. & Buchmann, M. (2022). Strategic behavior in market-based redispatch: International experience, The Electricity Journal Volume 35, Issue 3, April 2022, 107095
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Kusznir, J. (2022). Regulatorische Experimente und Anreizregulierung – Erfahrungen mit der SINTEG, Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 38, Jacobs University Bremen.
  • Buchmann, M., Stark, S., Blank-Babazadeh, M. & Mayer C. (2021) Elektrische Verteilnetze resilient ausbauen – Herausforderungen und Handlungsoptionen. Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft https://doi.org/10.1007/s12398-021-00316-x
  • Palovic, M., Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G. & Buchmann, M. (2021). Strategisches Verhalten bei marktbasiertem Redispatch: Die internationalen Erfahrungen, Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 36, Jacobs University Bremen.
  • Buchmann, M. (2020). How decentralization drives a change of the institutional framework on the distribution grid level in the electricity sector – the case of local congestion markets, Energy Policy Vol. 145, October 2020.
  • Buchmann, M. and Kusznir, J. & Brunekreeft, G. (2019). Assessment of the drafted German Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, Economics and Policy of Energy and the EnvironmentIssue 1, pp. 85-96.
  • Buchmann, M. (2017). The Need for Competition between Decentralized Governance Approaches for Data Exchange in Smart Electricity Grids - Fiscal Federalism vs. Polycentric Governance, The Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 139, 106-117.
  • Buchmann, M. (2017). Information Management in Smart Grids - Who Should Govern Information Management to Balance Between Coordination and Competition on the Distribution Grid Level?, Utilities Policy, Vol. 44, 2017, 63-72.
  • Buchmann, M. (2016). Integrating Stakeholders into the Governance of Data Exchange from Smart Metering, forthcoming in Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 102-122.
  • Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Friedrichsen, N. (2017). Information Governance in Smart Grids – A Common Information Platform (CIP), Economics, Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 6, No. 1.
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., and Meyer, R. (2016). The Rise of Third Parties and the Fall of Incumbents: The Case of Germany, The Energy Journal, Vol. 37, Bollino-Madlener Special Issue, pp. 243-262.
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., Hattori, T. and Meyer, R. (2016). Evaluation of Strategy of Power Generation Business under Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy, Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 23, March 2016.
Peer-reviewed book chapters
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., and Pechan, A. (2020). Regulatory and Institutional Aspects of the Smart Grids, forthcoming: Flath, C., Madlener, R. and van Dinther, C. (editors), Smart Grid Economics and Management, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., and Meyer, R. (2016). New Developments in Electricity Markets Following Lage-Scale Integration of Renewable Energy, in: Finger, M. and Jaag, Chr. (editors), The Routledge Companion to Network Industries, Routledge Companions, 2016.
  • Buchmann, M., Gabriel, J., Wellbrock, P. (2014). Assessment of CO2-emissions from Electric vehicles – state of the scientific debate, in Hülsmann, M and Fornahl, D. (Eds.): Evolutionary Paths Towards the Mobility Patterns of the Future, Springer, Heidelberg, Germany.
Other publications
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., Dänekas, C., Guo, X., Mayer, C., Merkel, M., Rehtanz, C., Göring, A., Herrmann, A., Kodali, R., Stadler, M., Uslar, M., Vogel, N., Luhmann, T. and Menz, T. (2015). Regulatory Pathways For Smart Grid Development in China, Springer, Hamburg.
  • Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M., Friedrichsen, N., Brandstätt, C. (2013). The institutional framework of Smart Grids in Austria, forthcoming BMVIT Schriftenreihe, 2013.
  • Buchmann, M., Hoerstebrock, T., Schütte, S. (2012). Integrating fleets of EVs into rural low-voltage grids with a high share of photovoltaic energy, IEEE Conference Publications: VDE-Kongress Smart Grid Intelligente Energieversorgung der Zukunft.
  • Buchmann, M. (2011). The Interdependences between Electric Vehicles and Offshore Wind Energy: An Investigation for the North-Western Region of Germany, 3rd European Conference Smart Grids & E-Mobility, OTTI, 18.10.2011, München.

Recent Invited Presentations

October 2019 Smart connection agreements and their interrelation with markets for grid services, European Commission, DG Energy, Flexibility Markets of the Future and TSO-DSO cooperation, Brussels, 24th October 2019.
February 2019 Disruption in the German Energy Sector – Lessons Learnt, IESE Madrid, 16th Energy Industry Meeting, February 2019, Madrid.
November 2018 2018, Innovation in Energy Trading – Insights from energy economics, European Utility Week, 7th November 2018, Vienna.
October 2018 Regulatory Challenges Arising from Smart Grids and Digitalization – Insights from institutional and platform economics, 10th FSR and BNetzA Forum on the Legal Issues of Energy Regulation, 12th October 2018, Berlin.