Adjunct Professor for Energy Economics
Head of Workgroup
Main research fields:
- Regulation & investment
- Vertical unbundling
- Market design
Phone: +49 421 200-3497
Gert Brunekreeft is professor of energy economics at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen) in Germany and director of the Bremer Energie Institut. Before joining Constructor University, he was senior economist for the energy company EnBW AG and held research positions in applied economics at Tilburg University, the University of Cambridge and at Freiburg University. He is associate researcher to a number of research centers. Professor Brunekreeft’s main research interests are in industrial economics, regulation theory and competition policy of network industries, especially electricity and gas markets. Current issues concern the economics of vertical unbundling and the relation between regulation and investment. He is the author of several books and published widely in academic journals, including Journal of Regulatory Economics, Utilities Policy, Oxford Review of Economic Policy and Energy Journal. He holds a degree in economics from the University of Groningen and a PhD from Freiburg University, both in economics.
Since Sep. 2006 | Professor of Energy Economics at Constructor University (formerly Jacobs University Bremen) Research Group: Bremen Energy Research |
Sep. 2006 – Apr. 2013 | Director of Bremer Energie Institut |
Jan. 2006 – Sep. 2006 | Senior Economist (Regulation Management) at Energie Baden-Württemberg, AG Karlsruhe (Germany) |
Jun. 2004 – Dec. 2005 | Research Officer / Assistant Professor at Tilburg Law and Economics Center (TILEC), University of Tilburg (Netherlands) |
May 2002 – May 2004 | Research Officer at Department of Applied Economics, University of Cambridge (UK) |
1993 – Apr. 2002 | Researcher and lecturer at Institut für Verkehrswissenschaft und Regionalpolitik, University of Freiburg (Germany) |
2002 |
Habilitation in Economics (University of Freiburg (Germany)) Privatdozent in Economics (University of Freiburg (Germany)) Thesis: „Regulation and Competition Policy in the Electricity Market; Economic Analysis and German Experience“ |
1996 |
Doctor in Economics (University of Freiburg (Germany)) PhD-Thesis: „Coordination and Competition in the Electricity Pool of England and Wales“ |
1992 | Graduation in Economics (algemene economie), University of Groningen (Netherlands) |
Other Experiences and Activities
-- |
Editor of the BER working paper series Bremen Energy Working Papers (BEWP) |
Sep. 2008 – Oct. 2016 |
Associate Editor and Editor-in-chief Competition and Regulation in Network Industries |
-- | Consultation for industry and government agencies, (ministries and regulators in the network industries), mostly energy markets. |
-- | Application, participation, organization and management of third-party funded research projects. |
-- | Presentations at academic and practical conferences and workshops. |
-- | Teaching experience in all academic levels, including executive education and supervision of BA-, MA- and PhD-theses. |
-- | Frequent refereeing in a variety of peer-reviewed academic journals at various levels. |
Main Fields of Research
Academic fields:
- Applied micro-economics
- Law & Economics
- Competition Policy
- Economics of Regulation
- Industrial Organisation
Network industries:
- Electricity
- Gas
- Telecommunications
- Transports
Current research in energy markets:
- Regulation and Network Investment
- Decentralization and the Coordination of Investment
- Network Pricing
- Law and Economics of Smart Grids
Refereed journals:
- Bebenburg, C. von, Brunekreeft, G. & Burger, A. (2023). How to deal with a CAPEX-bias: fixed-OPEX-CAPEX-share (FOCS), Forthcoming in Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft
- Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Kusznir, J. (2022). Regulatorische Experimente und Anreizregulierung – Erfahrungen mit der SINTEG, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft Vol 46 (3).
- Palovic, M., Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G. & Buchmann, M. (2022). Strategic behavior in market-based redispatch: International experience, The Electricity Journal Volume 35, Issue 3, April 2022, 107095
- Brunekreeft, G. & Rammerstorfer, M. (2020). OPEX-risk as a source of CAPEX-bias in monopoly regulation, Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 32, Jacobs University Bremen. Published in Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, December 2020.
- Borrmann, J., & Brunekreeft G. (2020). The timing of monopoly investment under cost-based and price-based regulation, Utilities Policy, Vol. 66, pp. 1-10.
- Brunekreeft, G., Kusznir, J. & Meyer, R. (2020). The emergence of output-oriented network regulation, Oxford Energy Forum, Issue 124, pp. 34-38.
- Meyer, R., Brunekreeft, G. & Elias, G. (2020). TOTEX Malmquist Index for RPI-X Regulation: Does it Correctly Estimate the True Frontier Shift?, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Vol 58, pp. 78–97.
- Buchmann, M., Kusznir, J. & Brunekreeft,. G. (2019). Assessment of the drafted German Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan, Economics and Policy of Energy and the Environment.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Friedrichsen, N. (2017). Information Governance in Smart Grids – A Common Information Platform (CIP), Economics, Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 6, No. 1.
- Brandstätt, C., Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. and Friedrichsen, N. (2016). Balancing between competition and coordination in smart grids – a Common Information Platform (CIP), Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 6, Nr. 1.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Meyer, R. (2016). Anreizregulierung bei Stromverteilnetzen: Effizienz versus Investitionen, Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 172-187.
- Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Meyer, R. (2016). The Rise of Third Parties and the Fall of Incumbents Driven by Large-Scale Integration of Renewable Energies: The Case of Germany, Energy Journal, Vol. 37, Bollino-Madlener Special Issue, pp. 243-262.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Friedrichsen, N. (2015). Vertical Unbundling and the Coordination of Investment in Electric Systems – On ‘Cheap Talk’ and deep charging, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 16, No. 4, pp. 378-403.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2015). Network Unbundling and Flawed Coordination: Experience from Electricity, Utilities Policy, Vol. 34, pp. 11-18.
- Friedrichsen, N., Brandstätt, Chr. and Brunekreeft, G. (2014). The need for more flexibility in the regulation of smart grids – Stakeholder involvement, International Economics and Economic Policy, Vol. 11, No. 1-2, March 2014.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2013). On the role of international benchmarking of electricity transmission system operators facing significant investment requirements, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 2-23.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft G. & Friedrichsen, N. (2011). Locational signals to reduce network investments in smart distribution grids: what works and what not?, Utiltites Policy, Vol. 19 No. 4, pp. 244-254.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Meyer, R. (2011). Regulation and Regulatory Risk in the Face of Large Transmission Investment, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries. Vol.12, No. 2, pp. 155-172.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft G. & Jahnke, K. (2011). How to deal with negative power price spikes? – Flexible voluntary curtailment agreements for large-scale integration of wind, Energy Policy. Vol. 39, pp. 3732-3740.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Meyer, R. (2011). Kapitalkosten und Kraftwerksinvestitionen bei zunehmender Einspeisung aus erneuerbaren Energien – Die Diskussion um Kapazitätsmärkte, Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftspolitik, Vol. 60, pp. 62-73.
- Balmert, D & Brunekreeft, G. (2010). Deep ISO’s and Network Investment, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 27-49.
- Pielow, J.-Chr., Brunekreeft, G., & Ehlers, E. (2009). Legal and Economic Aspects of Ownership Unbundling in the EU, Journal of World Energy Law and Business, 2009.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2008). Eigentumsentflechtung, deep-ISO, der dritte Weg – wohin führt die Reise der Europäischen Energiemärkte?, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, No. 3, 2008, pp. 177-186.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Newbery, D.N. (2006)., Should merchant transmission investment be subject to a must-offer provision?, Journal of Regulatory Economics , Vol. 30, No. 3 pp. 233-260.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Ehlers, E. (2006). Ownership unbundling of electricity distribution networks and distributed generation, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 1, No.1, pp. 63-86.
- Brunekreeft, G. & McDaniel, T.M. (2005). Policy uncertainty and supply adequacy in electric power markets, Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 111-127.
- Brunekreeft, G., Neuhoff, K. & Newbery, D.N. (2005). Electricity transmission: An overview of the current debate, Utilities Policy, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 73-93.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2005). Regulatory issues in merchant transmission investment, Utilities Policy, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 175-186.
- Brunekreeft, G., & Twelemann, S. (2005). Regulation, competition and investment in the German electricity market: RegTP or REGTP, Energy Journal, pp. 99-126.
- Brunekreeft, G., & Twelemann, S. (2004). Institutionelle Reformen und Versorgungssicherheit: Status Quo und Perspektiven der deutschen Stromwirtschaft, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 163-174.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2004). Regulatory threat in vertically related markets: The case of German electricity, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.17, No. 2, 2004, pp. 285-305.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Godfried, M. (2004). Netverbindingen door de markt, ESB, Vol. 89, pp. 140-141.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2004). Market-based investment in electricity transmission networks: Controllable flow, Utilities Policy, Vol. 12, No. 4, pp. 269-281.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2002). Regulation and third party discrimination in the German electricity supply industry, European Journal of Law and Economics, Vol.13, No 2, pp. 203-220.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2001). Negotiated third-party access in the German electricity supply industry, Economia Della Fonti Di Energia E Dell'Ambiente, Vol. 44, pp. 31-54.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2001). A multiple-unit, multiple-period auction in the British electricity spot market, Energy Economics, Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 99-118.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Keller, K. (2000). Netzzugangsregime und aktuelle Marktentwicklung im deutschen Elektrizitätssektor, Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft, 3/2000, pp. 155-166.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Keller, K. (2000). The electricity supply industry in Germany; Market power or power of the market?, Utilities Policy, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 15-29.
- Brunekreeft, G. (2000). Productiviteitsprikkels in de electriciteitssector, ESB, 11-02-2000, pp. 116-118.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Gross, W. (2000). Prices for long-distance voice telephony in Germany, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 24, pp. 929-945.
- Brunekreeft, G. (1997). The 1996 reform of the electricity supply industry in The Netherlands, Utilities Policy, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 117-126.
- Brunekreeft, G. (1997). Open access versus common carriage in electricity supply, Energy Economics, Vol. 19, pp. 225-238.
Other publications and work in progress:
- Brunekreeft, G, Kusznir, J. & Meyer, R (2020). Output-orientierte Regulierung - ein Überblick. Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 35, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Brunekreeft, G, Kusznir, J., Meyer, R., Sawabe, M. & Hattori, T. (2020). Incentive regulation of electricity networks under large penetration of distributed energy resources – selected issues Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 33, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Meyer, R., Brunekreeft, G., Palovic, M. & Speiser, D. (2017). Regulatorischer Umgang mit Multi-use-Speichern in Stromverteilungsnetzen. Magazin für die Energiewirtschaft, Nr. 6, 2017, 51-53.
- Brunekreeft, G., Buchmann, M. & Meyer, R., 2015, „New developments in electricity markets following large-scale integration of renewable energy”, in: Finger M. & Jaag Chr. (eds.), 2015, The Routledge Companion to Network Industries, Routledge.
- Neuhoff, K., Batlle, C., Brunekreeft, G., Vasilakos Konstantinidis, Chr., Nabe, Chr., Oggioni, G., Rodilla, P., Schwenen, S., Siewierski, T. & Strbac, G., 2015, „Flexible Short-Term Power Trading: Gathering Experience in EU Countries“, DIW Discussion Paper 1494, DIW Berlin.
- Li, F, Marangon-Lima, J.W., Rudnick, H., Medeiros Marangon-Lima, L., Padhy, N.P., Brunekreeft, G., Reneses, J. & Chongqing Kang, 2015, „Distribution Pricing: Are We Ready for the Smart Grid?“, Power and Energy Magazine, IEEE, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 76-86.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G., Furusawa, K., & Hattori, T., 2015, “Distribution Planning and Pricing in View of Increasing Shares of Intermittent, Renewable Energy in Germany and Japan“, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 20, March 2015.
- Abegg, P., Brinkmann, M., Brunekreeft, G., Götz, G., Krancke, J., Müller, Chr.,& Schmidt, C., 2015, „Entflechtung in Netzsektoren – ein Vergleich“, Netzwirtschaften & Recht, Beilage, 1/2015, April, pp. 1-16.
- Brunekreeft, G., Goto, M., Meyer, R., Maruyama, M., and Hattori, T., 2014, “Unbundling of electricity transmission system operators in Germany – An experience report”, Bremen Energy Working Papers No. 16, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Brunekreeft G. & Borrmann, J., 2013, „The effect of monopoly regulation on the timing of investment“, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 9, Jacobs University Bremen. Inreview.
- Brunekreeft, G., Meyer, R., 2013, „Preisspitzen und Investitionsanreize für Reservekapazitäten im deutschen Strommarkt: eine Simulation“, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, 2013.
- Brunekreeft, G., Meyer, R. & Rammerstorfer, M., 2012, “Auction design for a strategic reserve market for generation adequacy: on the incentives under different auction scoring rules”, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 14, November2012, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Bauknecht, D., Brunekreeft G. & Meyer, R., 2012, “From niche to mainstream: The evolution of renewable energy in the German electricity market,” in: Sioshansi, F.P. (Ed.) Evolution of Global Energy Markets, 2013.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2012, “On the role of international benchmarking of electricity Transmission System Operators facing significant investment requirements“, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 12, Oktober 2012, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2011, “Die ARegV und der erhöhte Investitionsbedarf in Stromverteilnetze: der Vorschlag einer Neuberechnung des generellen X-Faktors sowie die Einführung eines Investitionsbonus“, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, October 2011.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft, G. & Friedrichsen, N., 2011, „Improving investment coordination in electricity networks through smart contracts.” Bremer Energy Working Papers, No. 10, September 2011, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft G. & Friedrichsen, N., 2011, „Smart pricing to reduce network investment in smart distribution grids – international lessons for Germany, published in Sioshansi, F., 2011, Smart Energy, Elsevier.
- Brunekreeft,G., Damsgaard, N., de Vries, L., Fritz, P.& Meyer, R, 2011, “A Raw Model for a North European Capacity Market - A Discussion Paper”, Elforsk rapport 11:30, June 2011.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2011, “Vertical Relations and Energy Networks: Selected Issues”, in: Glachant, J.-M., Finon D. and Hauteclocque A. de,, 2011, “Competition, Contracts and Electricity Markets – A new perspective” Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Borrmann, J. & Brunekreeft, G., 2011, „The timing of repeated and unrepeated monopoly investment under wear and tear and demand growth”, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 8, May 2011, Jacobs University Bremen
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft G. & Jahnke, K., 2011, „Systemintegration von erneuerbarem Strom: flexibler Einsatz freiwilliger Abregelungsvereinbarungen,“ Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, March. 2011.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Meyer, R., 2011, “Netzinvestitionen im Strommarkt: Anreiz- oder Hemmniswirkungen der deutschen Anreizregulierung”, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Jan. 2011.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Friedrichsen, N., 2010, “Vertical unbundling, the coordination of investment and network pricing”, Bremen Energy Working Papers, No. 3, Sept 2010, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Brandstätt, Chr., Brunekreeft G. & Friedrichsen, N., 2010, „Innovative Regulierung für Intelligente Netze”, DVWG Energie & Wasser Praxis, 12/2010, pp. 36-38.
- Brunekreeft, G.; (in process), “Price-Cap Regulation and Peak-Load Pricing”, mimeo, Jacobs University Bremen.
- Tieben, B. & Brunekreeft, G., 2010, “Optimale vorm en grootte van energienetwerken” (Optimal layout and size of energy networks), In Dutch. Report for the Ministry of Economics, The Hague. 2010, SEO Amsterdam.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2009, “Regulation of network charges,” in: Bausch, A. & Schwenker, B. (eds.), 2009, Handbook Utility Management, Springer, pp. 435-456.
- Brunekreeft, G. & De Nooij, M., 2009, “Value of Lost Load – zur Umsetzung der Q-Komponente in der Anreizregulierung“, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Vol. 59, No. 6., pp. 34-38.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Guliyev, F., 2009, “Gas supply security and the competitiveness on the european gas market”, in: Jepma C.J. (ed), 2009, Gas Market Trading, Energy Delta Institute, University of Groningen, pp. 68-122.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Meyer, R., 2009, „Entflechtung auf den europäischen Strommärkten: Stand der Debatte“, in Knieps, G. und Weiß, H.-J., 2009, Fallstudien zur Netzökonomie, Gabler-Verlag, pp. 171-201. (also UNECOM Discussion Paper 2009-06).
- Özdemir, Ö., Hers, S., Fischer, E.B., Brunekreeft, G. and Hobbs, B.F., 2009, “A nodal pricing analysis of the future German electricity market”, EEM 2009 conference proceedings.
- Bauknecht, D & Brunekreeft, G., 2009, „Regulierung und Innovationstätigkeit: eine ökonomische Perspektive,“ in Eifert, M. & Hoffmann-Riem, W, 2009, „Innovationsfördernde Regulierung“, Duncker & Humblot, pp. 243-256.
- Borrmann, J. & Brunekreeft, G., 2009, “Investitionsrisiko und Regulierung”, in: Blum, U. (Hrsg.), 2009, „Regulatorische Risiken – das Ergebnis staatlicher Anmaßung oder ökonomisch notwendiger Intervention?”, Schriften des Instituts für wirtschaftsforschungs Halle, Nomos, Baden-Baden.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2008, “Ownership unbundling in electricity markets – a social cost benefit analysis of the German TSO’s”, Discussion Paper EPRG 08-16, University of Cambridge.
- Brunekreeft, G., Gabriel J. und Balmert, D., 2008, „Entflechtung auf Energiemärkten; Erfahrungen mit Independent System Operators“, forthcoming: Tagungsband: 40. Freiburger Verkehrsseminar „Entbündelung in Netzindustrien“. UNECOM Discussion paper 08-04.
- Nooij, de M., B. Baarsma, B. & Brunekreeft, G., 2007, “Methoden zur Bestimmung des "Value of Lost Load" (VoLL) - Vorstudie zu der monetären Bewertung der Qualität der Stromversorgung in Deutschland ; Report; Bremer Energie Institut, Bremen / Stichting Economisch Onderzoek, Amsterdam.
- Brunekreeft, G., Pfaffenberger, W., Gabriel J. und Balmert, D., 2007, „Optimal Transmission Networks; A discussion paper“, Bericht Bremer Energie Institut, May 2007.
- Brunekreeft, G., Gabriel J. und Balmert, D., 2007, „Independent System Operators; ein Überblick“, Bericht Bremer Energie Institut, May 2007.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2007, “Grundzüge des generellen X-Faktors”, erscheint in: Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, No. 10, 2007.
- Bauknecht, D & Brunekreeft, G., 2007, “Distributed Generation and the Regulation of Electricity Networks”, in: Sioshansi, F.P. (ed.), 2007, Competitive electricity markets; design, implementation and performance, Elsevier Science.
- Brunekreeft, G. & McDaniel, T.M., 2007, ‘Policy uncertainty and supply adequacy in electric power markets’, Helm, D. (ed.), 2007, ‘New energy paradigm’, Oxford University Press, Ch. 11, pp. 320-347, (updated version of article with same title in Oxford Review of Economic Policy, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 111-127.)
- Brunekreeft, G., 2007, “Regulierung und Netzinvestitionen”, Conference proceedings: 2. Bonner Energiegespräch.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Bauknecht, D., 2006, ‘Energy policy and investment in the German power market’, in: Sioshansi, F.P. & Pfaffenberger, W. (eds.), ‘Electricity market reform: An international perspective’, Elsevier Scientific. Ch. 8, pp. 235-265.
- Hirschhausen, Chr. von, Brunekreeft, G. & Elmer, C-F., 2006, ‘Recent trends in the privatization and the regulation of network industries – An introduction’, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, Vol. 1, No.2,
- Brunekreeft, G. & Müller, Chr., 2006, ‘Der generelle X-Faktor in der Anreizregulierung’, Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen, Sept. 2006.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Ehlers, E., 2005, ‘Does ownership unbundling of the distribution networks distort the development of distributed generation?’, TILEC Report, University of Tilburg.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Newbery, D.N., 2005, ‘Should merchant transmission investment be subject to a must-offer provision?’, Working Paper EPRG 05-03, University of Cambridge.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2005, ‘Voorzieningszekerheid op de Nederlandse stroommarkt: TenneT’s vangnet’, TILEC Report, July 2005, University of Tilburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2005, ‘Supply adequacy: From regulatory uncertainty to consistency’, TILEC Report, May 2005, University of Tilburg.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Van Damme, E., 2005, ‘De splitsing van de energiebedrijven’, TILEC Report, May 2005, University of Tilburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., Van Damme, E., Larouche, P. & Sorana, V., 2005, ‘On the law and economics of price squeeze in telecommunications markets’, TILEC Report for KPN, February 2005, also: TILEC discussion paper, DP 2005-007, University of Tilburg.Brunekreeft, G. & McDaniel, T., 2005, ‘Policy uncertainty and supply adequacy in electric power markets’, TILEC discussion paper, DP 2005-006, University of Tilburg.
- De Bijl, P., Brunekreeft, G., Van Damme, E., Larouche, P., Shelkoplyas, N., & Sorana, V., 2004, ‘Interconnected networks’, Report prepared for NWO, also: TILEC discussion paper, DP 2005-007, University of Tilburg.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Keller, K., 2003, ‘Competition in European Electricity Supply: Issues and Obstacles’, in: Eekhoff, J. (ed.), 2003, Competition Policy in Europe, Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 161-195.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Keller, K., 2002, ‘Elektrizität: Verhandelter versus regulierter Netzzugang‘, in: Knieps, G. & Brunekreeft, G. (eds.), 2002, 2.ed., Zwischen Regulierung und Wettbewerb: Netzsektoren in Deutschland, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, ch. 5, pp. 131-164.
- Brunekreeft, G. & Neuscheler, T., 2002, ‘Preisregulierung von Flughäfen’, in: Knieps, G. & Brunekreeft, G. (eds.), 2002, 2.ed., Zwischen Regulierung und Wettbewerb: Netzsektoren in Deutschland, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg, ch. 8, pp. 251-280.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2000, ‘A regulator for the German ESI?’, Utilities Journal, Dec. 2000, pp. 20-21, Oxera (Oxford, UK).
- Brunekreeft, G., 2000, ‘Kosten, Körbe, Konkurrenz: Price Caps in der Theorie’, DVWG, B232, Price Cap-Regulierung in Netzindustrien - Chancen und Risiken eines neuen Regulierungsinstruments, DVWG, Bergisch Gladbach.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2000, ‘Price capping and peak-load pricing in network industries’, Discussion Paper, No. 73, December, University of Freiburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1999, ‘Light-handed Regulierung des Zugangs zu Infrastrukturen: Das Beispiel Neuseeland’, DVWG Reihe B 224: Diskriminierungsfreier Zugang zu (Verkehrs-)Infrastrukturen, pp. 82-103, DVWG, Bergisch-Gladbach.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1999, ‘Vertical integration to conceal profitability; A note’, Discussion Paper, No. 58, April, University of Freiburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1998, ‘On the regulation of electricity distribution in the European Union and Germany: An inconsistency’, mimeo, University of Freiburg, presented at EARIE 1998, Copenhagen.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1998, ‘Peak-load pricing, perfect competition and price discrimination’, Discussion paper, No. 53, October, University of Freiburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1997, ‘Local versus global price cap: a comparison of foreclosure incentives’, Discussion Paper, No. 36, June, University of Freiburg.
- Brunekreeft, G., Luhmann, T., Menz, T. Müller S.-U., & Recknagel P. (Hrsg.), 2015, Regulatory Pathways for Smart Grid Development in China, Springer-Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2015.
- Brunekreeft, G., 2003, Regulation and Competition Policy in the Electricity Market; Economic Analysis and German Experience, Nomos, Baden-Baden (Univ.Habil., University of Freiburg).
- Knieps, G. & Brunekreeft, G. (eds.), 2002, 2nd ed. (2000, 1st ed.), Zwischen Regulierung und Wettbewerb: Netzsektoren in Deutschland, Physica-Verlag, Heidelberg.
- Bergman, L., Brunekreeft, G., Doyle, C., von der Fehr, N.-H., Newbery, D.M., Pollitt, M. & Régibeau, P., 1999, A European market for electricity?, Monitoring European Deregulation 2, CEPR/SNS, London/Stockholm.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1997, Coordination and competition in the electricity pool of England & Wales, Nomos, Baden-Baden. (PhD-thesis 1996).
Book reviews:
- Brunekreeft, G., 2004, Book review: Rothwell G. & Gómez T. (eds.), 2003, Electricity Economics; Regulation and Deregulation, IEEE Press, Wiley Interscience, Journal of Economic Literature, Sept. 2004.
- Brunekreeft, G., 1996, ‘Book Review on: Hunt, S. & Shuttleworth, G., 1996, Competition and choice in electricity, John Wiley and Sons’, Journal of Energy Literature, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 67-69.